Rod Chamberlain

Rod was the founding Director of CGS and its lead consultant.  He is now practising as a sole trader under the CGS name.

An executive coach and career guidance consultant since 2000, Rod has engaged with several hundred senior executives and professionals from a wide range of industries, sectors and countries as they have worked their way through significant career change.

Rod's earlier executive career was as an international banker.  He has held Executive Committee or local Board roles in investment, corporate and retail banks and securities firms owned by shareholder organisations of 11 different nationalities.  His Board experience spans four decades and five countries, with advisory and non-executive roles in the commercial, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors.

Rod holds an MBA with Distinction from INSEAD and an MA in Economics from Cambridge University.  More recently he acquired a Certificate in Occupational Testing from the British Psychological Society and passed the Islamic Finance Qualification.  He has lived, to work or study, in Germany, France, Australia and on both coasts of the USA.  He is fluent in German and French, with smatterings of other languages.